摘要:王昌龄是唐代著名的诗人之一,他的诗歌以豪放、奔放、豁达著称。其中《琵琶行》是他的代表作之一,被誉为“唐诗三百首”之一。本文将从《琵琶行》的英文翻译及注释、王昌龄诗歌英译、中英对照、在线阅读等方面进行解读。一、《琵琶行》英文翻译及注释1. 英文翻译The Song of PipaAmidst the flowers a jug of wine, I pour alone lacking companionship.So raising the cup I invite the moon, then turn
= 英文翻译
The Song of Pipa
Amidst the flowers a jug of wine, I pour alone lacking companionship.
So raising the cup I invite the moon, then turn to my shadow which makes three of us.
Because the moon does not know how to drink, my shadow merely follows the movement of my body.
The moon has brought the shadow to keep me company a while, the practice of mirth should keep pace with spring.
I start a song and the moon begins to reel, I rise and dance and the shadow moves grotesquely.
While I'm still conscious let's rejoice with one another, after I'm drunk let each one go his way.
Let us bind ourselves for ever for passionless journeyings.
= 注释
(1)Amidst the flowers a jug of wine,I pour alone lacking companionship.花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。
(2)So raising the cup I invite the moon,then turn to my shadow which makes three of us.举杯邀明月,对影成三人。
(3)Because the moon does not know how to drink,my shadow merely follows the movement of my body.月既不解饮,影徒随我身。
(4)The moon has brought the shadow to keep me company a while,the practice of mirth should keep pace with spring.皎然不可逢,掩柴而云息。
(5)I start a song and the moon begins to reel,I rise and dance and the shadow moves grotesquely.但见妻子愁,不见夫唱歌。
(6)While I'm still conscious let's rejoice with one another,after I'm drunk let each one go his way.结交在深山,须快马加鞭。
(7)Let us bind ourselves for ever for passionless journeyings.天涯地角有穷时,只有相思无尽处。
= 英文翻译
The Song of Pipa
Amidst the flowers a jug of wine, I pour alone lacking companionship.
So raising the cup I invite the moon, then turn to my shadow which makes three of us.
Because the moon does not know how to drink, my shadow merely follows the movement of my body.
The moon has brought the shadow to keep me company a while, the practice of mirth should keep pace with spring.
I start a song and the moon begins to reel, I rise and dance and the shadow moves grotesquely.
While I'm still conscious let's rejoice with one another, after I'm drunk let each one go his way.
Let us bind ourselves for ever for passionless journeyings.
= 中文原文
Amidst the flowers a jug of wine, I pour alone lacking companionship.
So raising the cup I invite the moon, then turn to my shadow which makes three of us.
Because the moon does not know how to drink, my shadow merely follows the movement of my body.
The moon has brought the shadow to keep me company a while, the practice of mirth should keep pace with spring.
I start a song and the moon begins to reel, I rise and dance and the shadow moves grotesquely.
While I'm still conscious let's rejoice with one another, after I'm drunk let each one go his way.
Let us bind ourselves for ever for passionless journeyings.